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Athletic Taping



Athletic Taping is the process of applying Rigid Tape directly/indirectly to the skin in order to maintain a stable position of bones and muscles during athletic activity.

  • It is a procedure that uses tape attached to the skin to physically keep in place muscles or bones at a certain position.
  • Most effective for instability or injury support.
  • This reduces pain and aids recovery.
  • Rigid strapping tape commonly used in taping or strapping is often referred to as “sports tape” or “athletic tape” and is most often a rigid style of strapping tape.


  • Relieve pain
  • Improve joint stability
  • Enhance athlete confidence
  • Reduce injury recurrence
  • Prevent injury


Injury Prevention:

  • Athletic taping is recognized as one of the top preventative measures for reduction of injuries in collision sports.
  • These injuries often occur as a result of extrinsic factors such as collision with other players or equipment.
  • Athletic taping has also been shown to reduce the severity in injuries, as well as the occurrence of injury in most sports.

Injury Management:

  • Tape is often applied to manage symptoms of chronic injuries such as medial tibial stress syndrome (shin splints), patella-femoral syndrome, and turf toe.

Pain Management:

  • Athletic tape can be applied to ease pain symptoms as well. Taping along the nerve tract of irritated or inflamed tissue can shorten the inflamed region and reduce pain.

Post-Injury benefits:

  • Stabilizing and supporting joints after injuries to  the muscle or ligament
  • Assisting and allowing the athlete to return to  activity after minor injuries
  • Preventing and reducing further harm to injured  area
  • Maintaining proper biomechanics during activity
  • Preventing neuromuscular damage

Reducing force on the area during activity


¢ Incorrect athletic taping may lead to blistering

         or future injuries.

¢ After activity and motion begins, the stiffness of the tape reduces.

¢ Physiological dependency on using tape

¢ Expensive, especially when it is needed  frequently


  1. Tape joint in proper position
  • Position for stabilization
  1. Overlap the tape by half
  2. Avoid continuous taping
  3. Keep tape roll in hand whenever possible
  4. Allow tape to follow contours of the skin
  • Smooth and mold tape as it is laid down on skin
  1. Always start taping with anchors
  2. Always finish taping with locking strips
  3. Where maximum support is desired, tape  directly to the skin
  4. Do not apply tape if skin is hot or cold from  treatments
  • Altered sensation
  • Altered circulation